This is me with one of my chickens ❤️
I am an information designer, researcher, and amateur baker. I research data visualization and data journalism. I have a PhD in Media and Communication Studies from Södertörn University, Huddinge, Sweden.
I work as a post-doc at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Potsdam, Germany. I am associated with the Metalab Berlin and with the UCLAB at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany.
Teaching and talks
2024 | 📚 | Deconstructing User Interfaces | FHP, Potsdam |
2024 | 🗣️ | The outsiders 👽 are inside: designers and design practices in newsrooms | Umweltbundesamt, Berlin |
2023 | 🗣️ | From shock to shift: data visualization for constructive climate journalism | VIS23, Melbourne |
2023 | 🗣️ | What is it that we teach: a reflection on teaching data visualization | VISAP23, Melbourne |
2023 | 🗣️ | Data visualization and constructive data journalism @ Visualizing Knowledge | Aalto University, Helsinki |
2023 | 🗣️ | FROM SHOCK TO SHIFT - Beteiligung von Zeitungsleser*innen in partizipativen, mehrkanaligen Datenvisualisierungen von Klimazukünften | NIAM23, Berlin |
2023 | 📚 | Bachelor course in data visualization | Merz Akademie, Stuttgart |
2022 | 🗣️ | Data journalism as 'terra incognita' | ECREA 2022, Aarhus |
2022 | 🗣️ | Data sketching: how scribbling-scrabbling is really helpful in designing with data | TU, Berlin |
2021 | 🗣️ | Digital go-alongs: recounting individual journeys through personal data in journalistic stories | Computation + Journalism, Boston |
2020 | 📚 | Scrollytelling for Beginners | FHP, Potsdam |
2020 | 📚 | Data Talks / Data Walks | FHP, Potsdam |
2020 | 🗣️ | Maptime Berlin | IXDS, Berlin |
2019 | 🗣️ | Data Vis Berlin | Zeit Online, Berlin |
Selected clients
Correctiv ⚬Nieuwe Instituut ⚬VuK Brandenburg ⚬Latte the Label ⚬Vice Italia ⚬taz, die tageszeitung ⚬Substack ⚬Popular Science ⚬Google Italia ⚬